Frequently Asked Questions
When is CHC open?
Appointments are available on the following days and times.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Tuesday: 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Thursday: 4:00PM – 7:00PM
How do I make an appointment for services?
Call (618) 251-8021 to schedule an appointment. If you get voicemail, we will return your call only if you leave a name and phone number.
What do I need to bring to register as a guest?
Please bring documents which verify the following. Once this info is on file, we only need to update your records once a year.
- Address
- Last 4 digits of ss# for yourself and other household members
- Birthdates of yourself and other household members
- Household income
How often can guests receive services?
Guests may receive food, clothing, and toiletries from the market every-other week by appointment. No appointment is needed to have lunch at the Café.
Do you charge for services?
CHC does not charge guests for the food, clothing, and programs CHC offers. We are sustained by private donations, churches, businesses and grants from corporate and private foundations.
Do I need an appointment to drop off donations?
Food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and monetary donations may be dropped off at any time during CHC’s regular hours. Clothing and household donations are accepted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-12 and we ask that guests please limit their donations to four boxes, bags, or crates per date. Please see our calendar of events or Facebook page for occasional Saturday donation drop-off dates. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
What kinds of donations does CHC accept?
CHC accepts: unopened/packaged food that has not expired; unopened toiletries; cleaning supplies; paper products; diapers; baby formula; clean gently-used clothing; shoes; dishes, silverware, pots, and pans; clean, good condition bedding; small microwaves, coffee makers, crockpots, etc.
CHC does not accept: furniture; mattresses; baby cribs; used car seats; old, tube TV sets, or home décor items
CHC reserves the right to refuse donations that do not respect the dignity of our guests or that pose a health hazard to volunteers. This includes items that are excessively dirty or dusty, ripped, stained, broken, or otherwise unusable.
I am interested in volunteering. What kinds of help do you need?
CHC is a lot more than a food pantry. We provide a variety of services, and therefore we have a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Call our Volunteer Coordinator for details – (618) 259-0959 ext. 231.